Organic Shoppe
is not just business; it is personal.
The foundation of this company is rooted in research and the provision of alternative natural organic foods and supplements for a healthier life.
Our Aspiration and Purpose

Our founder, Moe Koniovo, was overweight all her teenage years,
and in a bid to lose weight, she started to sort and eat only healthy foods.As she fought her health issues, another family member was fighting too. Her grandfather was
diagnosed with Diabetes, which led to early-stage memory loss. Medical intervention seemed not to
yield the required results, so her family turned to natural medicines.
Some herbs and natural oils were
prescribed; which coincidentally also included coconut oil, one of the supplements she was also using
at the time for her weight loss.
However, at that time, access to local organic brands was not as easy as it is today. There were more
foreign brands than local brands. It was not easy to get enough natural coconut oil for herself and her