The product seen may come in a different package as we transition to a more sustainable one

Stillingia Root


  • USDA Organic
  • Non-GMO
  • 450g




NB: The line of organic RARE HERBS offered by Organic Shoppe are guaranteed to be fresh, colorful, and fragrant.
Because we source the majority of our herbs and spices directly from selected growers, the Herbs in this category of RARE HERBS are delivered between 6-8 WEEKS after order has been placed and payment confirmed by organic shoppe.
We import our organic herbs and spices directly from trusted organic farmers around the world who are inspected annually by a third-party, independent certifying agency.

Stillingia Root is a North American plant in the spurge family also known as Queen’s Delight, Yaw Root, Silver Leaf, Tooth Leaf and Cockup Hat. While the historical significance of some of these common names eludes modern etymologists, it is known that the plant was frequently used by Native Americans and likely introduced the herb to European settlers.

The bitter principles of Stillingia root lend a tart, acrid flavor, but also provide astringent properties when applied topically. Infusions and liquid extracts of the root are used to stimulate lymphatic function to help counter various skin conditions, such as acne, eczema and psoriasis.

The dried herb is used to make teas, as well as oil infusions, salves, ointments and creams for topical use.

Prepare as tea. Stillingia root may also be tinctured.
Infuse in oil or decoct to make salves, ointments and other topical formulations.

Store in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dry cabinet or pantry.

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Stillingia Root