The product seen may come in a different package as we transition to a more sustainable one

Wild Lettuce Herb


  • USDA Organic
  • Non GMO
  • 450g



NB: The line of organic RARE HERBS offered by Organic Shoppe are guaranteed to be fresh, colorful, and fragrant.
Because we source the majority of our herbs and spices directly from selected growers, the Herbs in this category of RARE HERBS are delivered between 6-8 WEEKS after order has been placed and payment confirmed by organic shoppe.
We import our organic herbs and spices directly from trusted organic farmers around the world who are inspected annually by a third-party, independent certifying agency.

Lactuca virosa is the tall, wild cousin of the common lettuce with bright yellow flowers, serrated leaves, and a stem that emits a white latex when broken. Wild lettuce is a biennial and member of the Asteraceae family, cultivated in Europe and naturalized throughout North America. Wild lettuce herb has been used for centuries in traditional folk herbalism and is known for its bitter and nervine qualities. Wild lettuce leaf and stem are typically tinctured or steeped as wild lettuce tea.

Wild lettuce is not a vegetable but actually a woodland member of the sunflower family. The common name “lettuce opium”, as it was known in the earlier official pharmacopoeias, refers to the potent milky latex produced by the stems and leaves.

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Wild Lettuce Herb