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Hawthorn Berry


  • 100 g
  • Anti oxidant protection to the Heart
  • High Levels of Flavanoids
  • Helps the heart
  • Origin : Bulgaria

Hawthorn is considered a superior heart tonic by many herbalists. However, its effects on the heart are manifold. Many consider hawthorn to be transformational for the emotional or spiritual heart as well. Herbalist Matthew Becker suggests that hawthorn is specifically helpful for women with “broken hearts” i.e. for those ” feeling wounded and hurt.” Often the flowers and leaves are made into floral essences to address these types of emotional issues. Hawthorn is considered slightly warm energetically and both sour and sweet in taste.

In the traditional medicine of Europe all parts of the tree were appreciated and utilized: leaves, berries, flowers, and the wood. The blossoms were used as a heart tonic and a diuretic, and the berries and leaves were made into an astringent tea to soothe throats. The bright red sumptuous berries were also made into a tasty brandy cordial. Additionally, the wood was carved into smaller objects such as boxes and combs and burnt as fuel producing wood fires that were extremely hot.

No known precautions. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.


Whole, Powder

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