Aromatherapy: How to use Essential oils in Spa Treatment

Aromatherapy is said to be a holistic therapy that uses plant’s Essential Oils to balance the mind, body and emotions. Thus, making use of essential oils in spa treatment is also known as aromatherapy massage. It is generally believed that the use of essential oils in spa treatments can help relieve stress. Essential oils are known for their relaxing and healing properties, which are greatly beneficial in soothing people’s mind and improving their psychological well-beings.

There are different kinds of essential oils used in spa treatments. Essential oils such as Lavender , Chamomile,Tea Tree,Sandalwood, Peppermint, Bergamot and  Eucalyptus have relaxing properties; they can help people who suffer from panic attacks, anxiety, insomnia, inflammation,congestion, skin irritation etc. The healing and soothing powers of these essential oils are immeasurable.

Here are a few of the many essential oils, each with its own unique health benefits, which can help you soothe your body and mind.

  • Lavender

Lavender relieves stress, has antidepressant benefits, helps with congestion, promotes sleep, keeps skin healthy, and is even a natural diuretic. Its fresh and floral scent is especially soothing at the end of the long day. Add a few drops in your bath or on your pillow to promote the ultimate relaxation.

  • Chamomile

With its fragrant scent and many health benefits, Chamomile has antidepressant capabilities and lifts mood overall. It is also a natural antibiotic, can reduce acne, and reduces inflammation. Sip chamomile tea at bedtime to help you have a more restful sleep and sweeter dreams.

  • Tea Tree

Tea Tree oil has many healing capabilities. Not only does it help boost the immune system but it helps with skin-related ailments such as cuts, burns, and dandruff. Tea Tree oil can be found in many hygiene products such as shampoo but applying it in its most condensed form as an essential oil will give you the ultimate results. Apply tea tree oil to bug bites or small cuts or burns to aid in holistic healing.

  • Sandalwood

Sandalwood is growing in popularity for its intriguing scent and many health benefits. It reduces inflammation and muscle aches, helps relieve coughing, and clears nasal mucous. Add a little sandalwood oil to your aching muscles at the end of a long day and feel soothed in minutes!

  • Peppermint

Peppermint may be recognized for  its healing properties making it an essential oil perfect for any season. Peppermint is known to reduce nausea and aid in digestion. Its cooling nature helps to relieve skin irritations, and its strong smell helps awaken the mind and sharpen focus. Apply a few drops of Peppermint oil to your neck or temples in the morning to help energize your mind and awaken your body.

  • Bergamot

The fresh and citrusy aroma of Bergamot oil is stimulating and helps to balance emotions. It can also be used for fighting bacterial and viral infections of the mouth. It also helps relieve skin conditions such as oily skin, eczema, psoriasis and acne. When using Bergamot, it is important to remember to stay out of direct sunlight. Next time you’re seeing skin imperfections, mix a few drops of Bergamot with jojoba oil and apply to the affected area for clearer skin and a healthier you!

  • Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is the perfect essential oil for when you’re feeling under the weather! It’s known to relieve cold and flu symptoms and especially helps relieve respiratory issues and migraines. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a vaporizer to help beat the cold or flu; inhaling the aromatic steam will help you to breathe easier.


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