Stress is one of the ways that the body deals with a threat; however there is a problem when this feeling of threat stays in for a longer period.
The various types of stress include; Acute stress, which is caused by the daily demands and pressures we have to face. Episodic Stress is experienced by people who set unrealistic expectations and goals. And Lastly, Chronic Stress which is very unhealthy and exposes the body to a plethora of diseases. Chronic stress can cause digestive problems, wreak havoc on the immune system and raise the risk of developing heart disease. It can also affect blood sugar levels leading to increased hunger and insulin insensitivity. When not managed properly, stress can even lead to premature aging, pain and weight gain.
Considering the many negative effects of being overstressed, taking action to manage stress is a must for good health and well-being, and using Essential oils is an effective way to do so.
Using Essential Oils is one of the safest and cost effective ways to manage stress. Essential Oils not only provide immediate relief but they also eliminate the root of your stress with no side effects at all. Essential oils are easy, convenient and quick to use as you can diffuse them either at home or at the office.
5 Best Stress Relieving Essential oils
- Lavender Essential Oil
. Lavender oil is the most common and effective oil for stress relief because of its calming and relaxing effect. It helps reduce irritability, manage the frequency of panic attacks and eliminate insomnia.
- Rosemary Essential Oil. Rosemary Oil is the most effective essential oil for relieving stress and depression after Lavender Essential oil. It is helpful and effective for people who are emotional in nature. It helps in situations of shock, grieve and panic attacks.
- Chamomile Essential Oil.
Chamomile Oil has a peaceful calming scent; it helps to reduce irritability, overthinking and anxiety. It can also work as an antidepressant.
- Bergamot Essential Oil.
Bergamot Oil is calming and it’s often used to treat depression. It also helps to reduce agitation and induce relaxation. The blend of Bergamot and Lavender Essential oils can help reduce blood pressure and pulse rate.
- Frankincense Essential oil.
Frankincense is great for treating depression and anxiety because it provides a calming and tranquil energy as well as spiritual grounding. It helps deepen meditation and quiet the mind. Mixed with bergamot and lavender oils in a 1:1 ratio in an aroma hand massage, frankincense was found to have a positive effect on pain and depression.
How to Use Essential Oils to Relief Stress
- Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy for stress relief is very popular because our sense of smell triggers powerful emotional responses. We process so much information through our sense of smell. When the scent of an essential oil is inhaled, molecules enter the nasal cavities and stimulate a firing of mental response in the limbic system of the brain. These stimulants regulate stress or calming responses, such as heart rate, breathing patterns, production of hormones and blood pressure. Aromatherapy can be obtained by using it in a bath, as direct inhalations, hot water vapor, vaporizer or humidifier, fan, vent, perfume, cologne, through aromatherapy diffuse
2. Oral Application
Many essential oils can be ingested by the mouth; however, it is critical to make sure that the oils you use are safe and pure. Many oils on the market may be diluted or blended with synthetics that are unsafe for ingesting.
The most effective way to consume them, according to “The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils: The Science of Advanced Aromatherapy,” is to add a drop of oil in a glass of water or in a teaspoon with honey. You can simply add a drop or two underneath the tongue. This is beneficial because the blood capillaries are so close to the surface of the tissue under the tongue, allowing them to pass more quickly into the bloodstream and travel to the different areas of the body where they’re needed. Other oral application options include capsules, adding a drop or two to your favorite beverage, making a tea, and cooking.
3. Topical Application
Many prefer topical uses of essential oils. Topical application is a process of placing an essential oil on the skin, hair, mouth, teeth, nails or mucous membranes of the body. When the oils touch the skin, they penetrate rapidly. Since they are so potent, it is important to dilute and blend with a carrier oil, such as sweet almond, jojoba, olive, avocado or coconut oil. You can apply the blend directly to an affected area, on the bottoms of the feet, rims of the ears, using compresses, in baths or through massage.